Sometimes the following steps can help you in such cases:
For devices with iOS earlier than 14.0:
1. Go to Settings → Privacy → Advertising → Limit Ad Tracking.
2. Tap Reset Advertising Identifier.
3. Restart the game.
1. Go to Settings → Privacy → Advertising → Limit Ad Tracking.
2. Tap Reset Advertising Identifier.
3. Restart the game.
For devices with iOS 14.0 or later:
1. Go to Settings → Privacy → Tracking → Allow Apps to Request to Track.
2. Disable "Allow Apps to Request to Track" for all apps with the top switch (the identifier will only reset if you reset it for all apps).
3. Enable "Allow Apps to Request to Track" for Sally's Spa.
4. Restart the game.
1. Go to Settings → Privacy → Tracking → Allow Apps to Request to Track.
2. Disable "Allow Apps to Request to Track" for all apps with the top switch (the identifier will only reset if you reset it for all apps).
3. Enable "Allow Apps to Request to Track" for Sally's Spa.
4. Restart the game.
For Android devices:
1. Go to Settings → Google → Ads.
2. Tap the "Opt out of Ads Personalization" button.
3. Restart the game.
1. Go to Settings → Google → Ads.
2. Tap the "Opt out of Ads Personalization" button.
3. Restart the game.
If restarting the game doesn't help, switch the network from mobile data to Wi-Fi or vice versa.
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